The Dos and Don'ts of Onboarding

Onboarding 15,000 candidates a month, we see the best (and worst!) in onboarding practices every day. So here’s our hit-list of the top dos and don’ts.

Don't underestimate the importance of a great experience

It’s just about getting the formalities done, so the experience doesn’t matter, right? Wrong. Research by Brandon Hall Group found that a great onboarding experience increases new employee retention by a staggering 82%.

And in a candidate-short market, where efficiency and speed are a must, it can be your competitive advantage. In addition, it saves you time, increases productivity and helps to keep you compliant. It’s a no-brainer, right?

Don't wait until the first day to get started

If you’ve experienced that first day at a new job that is spent completing formalities and forms, you’ll know it’s no fun – and it can mean you miss important deadlines, like the next pay run!

So as an employer, make it work for you and your next hire by getting the formalities done ahead of time. You can even start the process before the interview, as checking credentials or completing background checks will be make or break anyway.

Do make it easy to get it done anywhere, anytime

The housekeeping tasks required to onboard a new hire can be monotonous and time-consuming, but they don’t have to be. Look for a digital solution that allows candidates and new hires to upload all the documentation on the go, using just their mobiles. With Onboarded, 70% of candidates complete the process using a mobile device – no scanner required. They simply upload all documents simply by taking a picture with their phone. Job done!

Don't leave yourself open to errors or compliance issues

If you’re dealing with paper forms or moving digital information from one system to another, you’re opening yourself up to manual error. Doing so can lead to compliance issues and put you at unnecessary risk. Instead, look for opportunities to integrate your onboarding platform with existing HR software, databases or CRMs to keep it seamless and error-free.

Do minimise interaction points

If your candidate receives contact from different platforms, providers and/or communication channels, you increase the chances of confusion or missed steps. Keep things simple with a single source for all onboarding requirements, documentation and tasks. With Onboarded, candidates receive a single, unique URL that provides everything they need to complete the process.

Do automate reminders and prompts

While completing onboarding formalities is a priority for you, they might not be top of mind for your new hire. However, a digital experience that gently reminds and guides candidates through the process will keep them (and you!) on track for day one. In fact, 85% of Onboarded candidates complete the process in just one day.

Don't add more usernames and passwords

Password fatigue is real and something most of us have experienced! So look at ways you can do away with usernames and passwords, such as Onboarded’s unique, secure URL. You’ll save the frustration of lost and reset passwords for your candidate, and you won’t need to provide additional tech support.

Do explore digital solutions

With the right onboarding software, you can simply create the candidate’s profile and send a single link to upload all the required documentation. This simple approach reduces the time spent on onboarding from 2 days’ effort to just 2–3 minutes.

The benefits of a solution like Onboarded are numerous:

  • Automate the process, delivering a uniform, guided experience driven by workflows and simple web forms
  • Capture all the essential employee information, populate government-mandated forms, save licenses and expiry dates, and securely store all completed records
  • Integrate the platform with your existing HR and recruitment tools and platforms to create a single source of truth – no double handling!
  • Create a clear audit trail to improve and maintain compliance
  • Make it easy for your candidates, reduce completion time and get them up and running before they walk through the door
  • Onboard 1–1,000 in just a matter of minutes.
Ready for a better way to Onboard?

Onboarded is an industry-leading software solution, speeding up the process, maintaining compliance, delivering a winning candidate experience – and saving you time and money! Our platform integrates with leading recruitment and HR platforms, including JobAdder, Job Science, Workforce One and Fastrack 360, and our 100% Australian-based team sets the standard for consistency and customer support you can count on.

Want to see it in action for yourself? Book your demo here.

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