Why Great Onboarding is Key to Improving Employee Retention

With so much movement in the employment market right now, there’s an increased focus on employee retention. Your retention strategy should kick in during the recruitment phase, with onboarding playing a critical part. Here’s how a great onboarding experience can improve your employee retention.

The emphasis on a positive candidate experience during onboarding is a trend that is on the rise, especially in the current candidate-short market. Attracting top talent is one thing, but retaining new hires for the long term is an entirely different matter. Onboarding is a critical component of talent acquisition that often gets overlooked and, ideally, onboarding a candidate should start from the moment they’ve applied for the job.

Putting your best foot forward as a company during the recruitment and onboarding process gives you an advantage over your competitors. However, it’s also a great way to ensure you’re making a lasting impression on your new hires and keeping them engaged and organised, which are all factors that contribute to the long-term success of new candidates.

Seventy-eight per cent of candidates consider the candidate experience as indicative of how your organisation treats its people, so a new hire’s first few weeks are crucial to their perception of the company.

For example, the ease and efficiency of the basics, such as signing contracts, providing super and bank details, along with the ease and clarity of the training and onboarding process, can give insight into what their future at the company will look like.

If these seemingly simple details are disjointed, unorganised or require candidates to use too many separate platforms to complete different tasks manually, they aren’t likely to have a positive perception of the way the company is run. The lack of technology also gives the impression to today’s tech-savvy candidates that the company isn’t interested in investing in technology.

After all, if these basic onboarding procedures are disorganised and outdated, how can the candidate assume the experience with the company will be any different internally?

When companies fail to standardise their onboarding process, performance, retention and engagement suffer.

According to a recent study by Glassdoor, organisations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. Companies with weak onboarding programs lose the confidence of their candidates and are more likely to lose these individuals in the first year, many of them not lasting through the first six months.

Digitising the onboarding process by using technology like Onboarded not only creates a smooth experience for the candidate, but also saves businesses time and energy. With one simple link, the candidate can complete everything in one place (even via their mobile phone!). Not only does it give a positive and organised experience for the candidate, it also saves your team time and ensures you’re compliant by directly integrating with your existing ATS.

“Using Onboarded frees the HR team’s time so they can get back to doing what they do best, which is create a real-time engagement with their candidates and not be bogged down by the admin part,”
Raj Soni
Founder of Onboarded

Onboarded can help keep things running smoothly and efficiently. From the moment a candidate applies for a job, companies should have a clear plan laid out to set up the candidate, and company, for success.

“Onboarded isn’t just for businesses who turn over a lot of volume; it’s also a great way to set a process for smaller companies and provide a good experience for their candidate onboarding,”
Greg Harasimowicz
Business Development Manager at Onboarded

New hires who have a positive experience will then be more likely to contribute to business goals and remain with their new employer for longer, thereby improving employee retention.

By standardising your onboarding process with the use of technology like Onboarded, you’re not only ensuring the retention and longevity of your candidates, you’re contributing to a more successful business.

Want to see it in action for yourself? Book your demo here.

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Why Great Onboarding is Key to Improving Employee Retention

With so much movement in the employment market right now, there’s an increased focus on employee retention. Your retention strategy should kick in during the recruitment phase, with onboarding playing a critical part. Here’s how a great onboarding experience can improve your employee retention.

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